Did your Road Runner scale indicator fail with the fault: SCALE 4 OVERLOAD
Do you have an old Evergreen Road Runner scale system? Is your Road Runner display reading "Scale 4 Overload"? No help from your current calibration lab? Parts expensive? No problem, we have three different programs to help you on our conversion page.
Do you have this mess? Old plastic connectors, broken connectors, and are you tired of all the cables
We can convert your Road Runner, Evergreen Road Runner aircraft scale and weighing equipment to our digital configuration or our wireless configuration.
We receive Evergreen and Road Runner kits all week long, we service, calibrate and convert all the types, S Cell kits, Canister kits, Platform kits. We are your go to source for Evergreen Aircraft Scales, Road Runner Aircraft Scales and Vishay Aircraft Scales repairs and upgrades.
Our Evergreen Road Runner program takes your original blue indicator out of the system and replaced with our M2000 digital indicator system. Aviation grade software, full calibration, full certification, we are the leader in repairs and restoration of all these types of scales.
Want a full upgrade of your old Evergreen Road Runner? Go Wireless with our HH2400 series wireless system upgrade. We can also upgrade Intercomp and Vishay/Revere units as well!
To the right, you can see one of our Road Runner wireless conversions to our HH2400 system. We can take your old kit and update your indication with our wireless. This kit has the optional foam insert upgrade for firm hold of the components during shipping.
Road Runner S cell kit converted to wireless with our HH2400 transceiver. Optional foam was installed to update the kit and form a tight shipping package.
You can turn you old kit into a new wireless kit today. Our conversions start at $3495.00 for three cell kits, you get a full conversion of your load cells over to wireless, no cables! You get our HH2400 wireless hand held indicator and the system is fully re-cased in a new case with 2.2lb foam lining. Completely calibrated with NIST traceability certification.
We take your cells, (S cells or standard canister cells) and convert them, case them in foam as shown and return you kit looking like new.
Optional S cell can be added and mounted in foam. We can convert S cells, canister cells, and platforms!
Have a 4 cell kit? Have a tension cell requirement? No problem, we can convert them over as shown.
Here is our HH2400 Hand Held wireless indicator. It is capable of reading up to 10 channels or inputs at a time, giving you individual weights and a total result weight. It is easy to use, light weight and it is wireless, no more wires!
Here is your components after conversion to our wireless system using our HH2400 Hand Held receiver.
Here is an example of two kits converted, we conduct conversions on government equipment as well as the standard Road Runner systems. In fact, we convert all our competitors equipment over to our systems, laptop or hand held, no problem we can do most all of your repair needs.